ProScot Driving Instructor Franchise Options
ProScot ADI Franchise
Check out what our driving instructors have to say about their ProScot franchise and why they choose to stay with ProScot. ProScot offer different franchise options for our Approved Driving Instructors to best suit their individual needs to ensure our franchise grows with you.
Our Franchise grows with you
Our franchise is designed to grow with you. In the beginning when you are establishing your business and your reputation, you will require more pupils and more support from ProScot. Typically as much as 60 to 70 pupils in your first year. A fully qualified and experienced instructor typically requires 50 - 60 pupils per year depending on hours worked. Trainee driving instructors tend to not only require more pupils than experienced fully qualified ADI’s, but they also tend to lose more pupils through inexperience. As you gain experience and develop word of mouth your franchise costs reduce.
For this reason, Trainee licence holders are a heavy drain on any driving school. It’s why many driving schools will not support them or alternatively will use them to deliver cheap discounted lessons and work a large geographical area whilst covering the unsociable hours their fully qualified instructors do not want to provide.
ProScot do not ask our trainee licence holders to do this. Our trainee licence holders and less experienced full qualified instructors are still provided with high-quality local work and amongst the highest lesson rates in the local area. They never need to provide cheap deals/offers just to try and fill a diary.
Our trainee licence holders typically have a full diary within 4 to 6 weeks from starting on their licence with us. Trainee licence holders and new starts typically earn £40k in their first year. Once qualified ProScot instructors typically earn £50k to £60k per annum after franchise, fuel, and car costs. (based on lesson rates 2022)
Career Progression
ProScot are the only driving school to provide a career progression for our instructors. Most driving instructors qualify and do not look to improve their standards or status. They simply do enough to get by. ProScot require our instructors to continue to develop their skills and experience through continual professional development and standards and criteria which are required to be met to raise their status within the industry. This ensure they are a credit to themselves, the industry and add real value to ProScot driving school.
Once our pink trainee licence holders pass the Part 3 exam, they can automatically charge £1 more than our base lesson website price and become "ProScot Instructors". After a minimum of 2 years as a fully qualified driving instructor or once they achieve a standard above the national average from their DVSA Crystal report (This report assesses their pupil’s performance during driving tests) whichever comes first and once they have met certain standards and criteria set by ProScot, they are promoted to “ProScot Senior instructors”. This entitles them to charge up to £2 per hour above our base lesson website prices for trainee licence holders.
Instructors who meet the criteria to become a "ProScot Senior instructor" and gain a Grade A during their standards check are promoted to "ProScot Principal instructors". Principal instructors can charge up to £4 per hour higher than our base website lesson rate.
All ProScot instructors are required to meet our standards, undertake continual professional development, and are also checked bi-annually through in car assessments. This ensures our standards are maintained and instructors who work hard to achieve and maintain the criteria to be ProScot Senior or Principal instructor are well rewarded and recognised for their efforts.
Franchise FREE periods
ProScot instructors also qualify for additional free holiday entitlement. This increases from two weeks at the end of year one by one week per year up to a maximum of 6 weeks franchise free per year.
ProScot Franchise Options
Our franchise options offer complete flexibility as our instructors can choose the franchise that best suits their individual needs.
ProScot's franchise options offer the best possible combination of flexibility, and support - and our reputation for first-class professional driving instructors ensures a steady stream of students signing up for ProScot's highly regarded tuition. This winning combination ensures ProScot's instructors are amongst the highest earners in the industry.
Full Franchise - ProScot
ProScot franchise options offer extremely competitive rates depending on the level of support and number of students required. Our "Full Franchise" provides unlimited pupil supply and support. This Franchise is for "ProScot instructors who have been qualified for less than 1 year and have not yet achieved Senior or Principal instructor status. Once qualified for 1 year, instructors have the option of switching to the cheaper Flexible 48 Franchise. Currently our full franchise is £200 per week.
Flexible Franchise - ProScot
Two years after qualifying our ProScot instructors can step up to either Senior or Principal status once certain criteria and requirements are met. They then move on to a reduced price "Flexible franchise" based on the amount of pupils and support they require each year. Flexible-48 (£180 per week for 48 pupils per year), Flexible-36 (£150 per week for 36 pupils per year), Flexible-24 (£110 per week for 24 pupils per year) Flexible-12 (£60 per week for 12 pupils per year), Flexible-6 (£40 per week for 6 pupils per year). The franchise gets cheaper as the instructor develops word of mouth and requires less help.
What is a Non Flexible Franchise?
With large national driving schools, the instructors tend to leave once they are established as the franchise does not grow with them. They are forced to reduce their overheads to increase their earning potential. Many national driving schools claim high earnings for their instructors, but their business model is all about maximum profit. They flood the area with too many instructors to simply get higher franchise incomes. Their instructors are required to cover large areas and provide cheap introductory deals and ongoing offers to try to fill their diaries for a problem they created and continue to feed!
This is not how ProScot run our driving school and this is not how our business model works. ProScot only train up and take on new instructors if we can fill their diaries fully with quality local work and top lesson rates with no cheap deals or offers. All our instructors have full diaries and only work the hours they want to work and where they want to work. Most of our instructors operate waiting lists of 4 to 6 weeks and longer!
ProScot encourage our driving instructors to develop and improve their standards and to strive to become ProScot Senior or Principal instructors. We encourage our instructors to develop their own word of mouth so that they can move onto our "Flexible franchise" and become more independent so that they can reduce their franchise costs. Our Flexible-24 franchise, means that the instructor only needs 24 pupils per year from ProScot and their franchise and is almost half the cost of our "Full Franchise"
Headboard & Car Supplied Franchise
With the ProScot Headboard Franchise, you provide your own car and are responsible for all maintenance and running costs etc. You can then operate under our "Full Franchise" or “Flexible Franchise” option.
Car Supplied Franchise
By going for this option, you're provided with a fully maintained car at special subsidised rates through our preferred car supplier scheme. They come supplied with full graphics, dual controls, headboard, breakdown cover and up to 30,000 miles per year allowance and with all servicing, maintenance and insurance included.
You then start under our "Full Franchise" and then move onto our “Flexible Franchise 48, 36, 24, 12 or 6” options.
Full Franchise (For Trainee Licence Holders or ProScot Instructors qualified less than 1 year)
With ProScot's Full Franchise, our instructors pay a fixed fee every week which includes an unlimited supply of pupils and full support and up to 6 weeks free holidays per year plus a host of other benefits. This ensure they get their business of to a great start. Trainee licence holders and new instructors remain on our Full Franchise for their first year after qualifying until they have built up their business enough to operate on a combination of both word of mouth and pupils supplied from ProScot. At this point they switch over to our Flexible 48 franchise and reduce the support they require each year by moving onto the Flexible 36, 24 etc. Once they become a ProScot Senior instructor or ProScot Principal Instructor, they can command higher lesson fees. Our instructors can also choose whether to supply and maintain their own car or take a fully supported car through our "Preferred Car Supplier Scheme".
Flexible Franchise (Available to ProScot Senior or Principal Instructors, Flexible-48 available if qualified 1 year)
The fixed weekly franchise rate is determined by experience, grade Senior/Principal, and the number of pupils our instructors will require each year. Our trainee licence holders and instructors who have been qualified for less than 1 year have access to an unlimited pupil supply under our "Full franchise". Typically, a Trainee licence holder can require between 60 to 70 (and even more!) in their first 12 months. An experienced ProScot instructor who has developed good word of mouth may only require 20 to 30 pupils per year or even less from ProScot. Their franchise is therefore priced accordingly and provides up to 6 weeks franchise free.
The Flexible-48 Franchise is available to instructors who have been qualified for 1 year. Senior or Principal instructors can step onto our Flexible 36, 24, 12 or 6 franchises. They can choose to operate with either our headboard franchise or our car supplied franchise. ProScot therefore offer flexible franchise options to ensure we provide the best option for each instructor and keep their franchise costs down. Our "Flexible-24 franchise for example is half the weekly cost of our "Full Franchise" and provides 24 pupils per year.
Please contact us on 0800 093 7897 to find out more about our franchises and the career options available to those thinking about training and joining ProScot team and for those who wish to join and are already fully qualified ADI's (Approved Driving Instructors).
What Our Instructors Say About Our Franchise
Andrew McKay
The franchise model at ProScot has always worked for me given that I know I don't have to worry about finding work on my own. The power of the ProScot name and brand means that there is always somebody looking for driving lessons in your area. Even when you first start up after qualification, you will have as full a diary as you want within a very short period of time, and you always have the flexibility to work whenever and wherever you choose to do so. I welcome that flexibility and it suits me perfectly. Being in full control of my day is one of the reasons that I decided to train to become a driving instructor and I have never regretted the career change nor the decision to join, and stay with, the team at ProScot. John's dedication to the business, and to everyone who represents ProScot, is absolute and he'll always have your back. It's a franchise that will not let you down.
Euan Patrick
Working with a franchise was something totally new to me. However, the ProScot model and process really helped get my career off to a great start. ProScot’s strong brand awareness made finding clients easy whether it be from the office or direct contact. Having a highly visible online presence means potential clients come across ProScot, and their team of experienced driving instructors, through various platforms. Additionally, as part of the franchise, I have access to an online app as an electronic diary which makes scheduling my lessons simple and straight forward. Brand awareness, alongside the ability to manage my own diary, significantly contributed to my decision to become a driving instructor. The benefits that come with the franchise made joining ProScot, and remaining part of the team, a no brainer. John and the ProScot team operate a highly professional franchise and are excellent to work with.
Gordon Elwood
When I first qualified, ProScot set me up with a learner car complete with decals and dual controls, and promised me a full diary within 2-3 weeks, with the first couple of weeks franchise-free and then graded payments until my diary was full. They delivered on that promise and have supplied me with as many students as I need when I need them.
The girls in the office are amazing, always there to lend an ear, help with paperwork (and sometimes make a coffee if you decide to pop into the office). Always ready with a smile and some banter, nothing is too much trouble for them and if you need help, they will step up for you.
Franchise-free weeks throughout the year (your entitlement to these increases each year), which can be used anytime you wish, particularly good for summer holidays and Christmas when your money is needed elsewhere!
Recently I had some personal issues, but ProScot had my back and for that I will be forever grateful.
I am my own boss and rather than working for ProScot I like to think I work with them.
Couple of nights out a year which is always good
Structured career starting as an instructor, with the opportunity of working towards Senior Instructor, and then Principal Instructor.
Always encouraged by the office staff and John to improve and adapt with advice only a phone call away.
Being honest I wish I had become an instructor years before I did but maybe Karma played a part in that, maybe the timing was just right for me to join ProScot, but whatever the reason one thing is for certain I would never have had made it without them and I certainly would not have managed it through the “corporate schools”
Michael Macmillan
The powerful brand and image of ProScot means I don't need to worry about finding work. I love that I am in full control of my diary - so I can pick and choose my own hours and am not tied to having to work unsociable hours or having to travel far for lessons due to the high volume of pupils coming to ProScot for lessons. I work hard but believe work it not the most important thing so I choose not work too many long hours. Having a life outside of work is needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle and remain sane - the flexibility of being the boss of your own diary allows this. So far, I have not had any issues and feel ProScot really care and will be there for me whenever needed.
Scott Kelly
Since I've been with ProScot the girls in the office have done an excellent job of assisting me to build my business within the franchise. Having piece of mind, knowing that when I wake up every morning, I will still have a job with one of the most reputable companies in the industry, is the reason I choose to stay with ProScot.
Couple that with flexible hours, offering great work life balance, 6 weeks holidays a year, job satisfaction and competitive franchise fees. Why go anywhere else?
I recently ruptured my Achilles’ tendon, which was a shock to the system. Both John Macdonald (Director of ProScot) and the office staff were very supportive. I took time off work with no distractions and when I informed the girls in the office that I was ready to return, I had a full diary upon my first day back.
This is just some of the benefits of working with a franchise, no distractions of new clients calling you during lesson, when you have full time office staff. Thank you, Ingrid, Amy & Kally for all your hard work.
Shug McInnes
My intentions were to get qualified and start out on my own. Having read and discussed the Franchise options with John and other ADI's, I opted to join the ProScot franchise.
The support from the ladies in the office (Ingrid, Kally and Amy) is second to none. Their wealth of knowledge and experience is invaluable. From the day I first met them I was impressed. and today it is like having an extended family, everyone looking out for and helping each other. (Word of warning - never visit the office empty handed, munchies are always welcome).
Finally: Don't sit there wondering, what if? Pick up that phone make that call 01592 650 100 and start your new career. I have no regrets other than I wish I had done this years ago.
Stewart Allan
I really enjoy working with ProScot because it is a local company and does not feel like another franchise where you just feel like a number. This feels more like a family. As cliché as this sounds, it is true – at ProScot I feel they genuinely do care. ProScot gives you the support and training that you need but at the same time, it also gives you the flexibility to be your own instructor which is the best part.
I truly feel grateful to be part of the best local team and I love to feel the challenge to be a better instructor every day.
Stuart Turner
I have nothing but the highest praise for the girls that work in the Office. They are incredibly helpful, friendly, and supportive in all aspects of the job. They are also incredibly invested in the success of ProScot, and you sense their pride in the business. They all have incredible amounts of knowledge about the industry and are very accessible - if you ask a question, you never have to wait long at all for an answer.
The have always insured that I've had a full diary and kept a steady stream of new students coming my way at the rate I've felt comfortable dealing with.
They are all good people and it's great to know as someone new to the industry that I have support locally who I can visit and see face to face and who won't judge me if I'm asking a silly question.
High Earnings
Our franchise is designed to grow with our instructors as they build up their word of mouth, experience and skills, as does their earnings year on year. As they require less pupils and less support and their grade progresses from ProScot instructor to ProScot senior and ProScot principal instructor. Their franchise costs reduce, lesson rates increase, and their overall earnings increase as does their franchise free holiday entitlement up to a maximum of 6 weeks. We reward our instructors for their hard work, progression, and loyalty.
After fuel, car costs and franchise ProScot instructors typically earn £40k for our trainee licence holders to £60k per year and more depending on the hours they work and their experience/grade for our Senior and Principal instructors (Based on 2022 lesson rates).
Please contact us on 0800 093 7897 to find out more about our franchises and career options available to those thinking about training and joining the ProScot team or for those who wish to join and are already fully qualified ADI’s.
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